2 June 2021
Dear clients and families,
We are writing to update you on the outcomes for Wallara clients after the announcement earlier today, by Acting Premier James Merlino, that the current lockdown of Greater Melbourne will continue for a further seven days. The extended lockdown will take effect from 11:59pm Thursday 3 June through to 11:59pm Thursday 10 June 2021 at this stage.
Once again Day Services (including Sages Cottage Farm) support will be limited to where the need is considered essential. We encourage you to discuss with us any needs that you and your family have during this extension of restrictions by calling us on 0400 802 370.
What does this mean for you?
Day Service Programs and Sages Cottage Farm – Will continue to operate limited day services throughout the extended lockdown. Families who require access to essential 1:1 support during the extended seven-day lockdown can call us on 0400 802 370 to discuss.
Please note: Day service (including Sages Farm) programs are a Program of Support and while an extended lockdown has been confirmed, we still retain the capacity to deliver services. As such we will continue to charge for the program of support during this extended period of lockdown.
Wallara Logistics – Will continue to operate as they have through the first seven-day lockdown, there will be no other changes to these arrangements.
Wallara Accommodation – Group accommodation residents will continue to follow all restrictions as set out by the government earlier today. Those that are Supported Employees at Wallara Logistics will not be able to attend their scheduled shifts. Day Service programs will continue to be delivered into each of our group accommodation settings throughout the period of the extended lockdown.
Wallara Online is here to help you through this lockdown.
As some of you know, my daughter Phoebe attends Sages Cottage Farm, she is a client and at home for lockdown like everyone else. I wanted to share with you that I have enrolled Phoebe in 4 online classes that the Wallara Online team have opened up for FREE to any Day Service clients isolated at home.
Phoebe has participated in Amazing Animals and Armchair Travel during this lockdown. She was super engaged through both programs, thoroughly enjoyed the content and connecting with other participants. It also allowed me some time to focus on work.
I recommend Wallara Online programs to anyone – it’s a great way to help everyone get through and the social contact is really helpful.
If you are a client unable to attend day services, we want to offer you FREE access to online programs run between 9am and 3pm during the lockdown. Existing Wallara Online clients will continue with their regular program.
To get involved in Wallara Online all you need is internet access and a tablet, laptop or desktop computer with a camera. To register for one or multiple classes simply complete the attached and email to [email protected]
If you need some assistance with registering for a program please call 0435 139 674.
What Happens After Thursday 10 June?
At this stage, we hope to be open again as usual from Friday 11 June 2021, but that will depend on progress of positive cases in Victoria and further advice from the state government. We will continue to communicate with you as we know more information.
We hope all families stay safe and well during the lockdown and encourage you to adhere to the restriction guidelines and follow the five reasons to be leaving your home, including to go and receive a COVID-19 vaccination. As you may have heard, there is a 5-day vaccination blitz for disability workers and people living with disability. The blitz entails a fast-lane option to jump the queue and reduce wait times. We encourage you to take advantage of this initiative which ends on Sunday 7 June 2021.
Attached is an invitation from the Department of Health for people living with disability to receive their vaccine, as well as a letter of proof of eligibility for priority access.
We look forward to seeing everyone at the end of this lockdown.
Phil Hayes-Brown
Chief Executive Officer
Invitation to receive a COVID-19 vaccine – persons with disability