As you may know, we made a very difficult decision on Monday 23 March to close all our Day Service sites. While it was distressing to make that decision, the Victorian Premier’s announcement on the day prior (ie Sunday 22 March) made it clear this had to happen.
Since then, we have been reassessing how we can help our clients and families through this difficult period with any new support offerings that ensure we can meet physical distancing requirements so clients and staff are as safe as possible.
We are now announcing a new service offering which is site based. From Monday 6 April, five of our Day Service sites (which have all had a professional antiseptic clean since they were closed on Monday 23 March) will re-open for 1:1 support with a limited number of places available at each site. These 5 sites are exclusively occupied by Wallara which means we can ensure the cleaning protocols are in place and maintained at a high level.
Click on this link 1 to 1 support flyer for information outlining this service, the costings, and contact details for booking. Please note these are all Essential Services.
Over the next couple of days, we will also be announcing a new and exciting way of delivering support to our clients – Online Learning. This online service will initially be small, but will grow over time. Stay tuned for more information.
That’s all for now – thanks in anticipation for your patience, support and understanding. We will keep doing the best we can to keep you informed and engaged through this unprecedented time.
Please see the letter below for information regarding the closure of Wallara’s Day Services sites as of 24 March, 2020.
It’s been a long week for us all, and with the goal posts moving daily, it has made it an even longer one! Don’t forget to take some time for you – do something that makes you feel happy, relaxed or just plain good. For some that might mean baking a cake (and eating the whole thing!), going for a walk, dancing to your favourite song, reading a book, watching some trash TV, or just cuddling your dog. Whatever is your thing, no matter for how long, just do it.
To finish the week, below is a link to an update from our CEO, Phil Hayes-Brown. We will post these updates weekly, or more often if things change rapidly. In the meantime, take care of yourself, stay well, and be kind to others.
We are all learning so many new words and phrases as the health crisis continues to expand throughout out lives. A big one that is affecting us all right now is SOCIAL DISTANCING.
Just what is social distancing, why is it important and how do we do it? The link below will open a paper from the Department of Health which will answer all these questions. It is what we are all using at Wallara to help keep our clients, their families and carers, and our staff, all safe and well.
We are also encouraging everyone to use a wave or a shaka instead of a handshake, high five or fist bump – this helps us stay friendly, but from afar.
The latest news has put Victoria into a state of emergency for at least the next 4 weeks. We are keeping a close eye on the news via the government Departments of Health and Education and will make informed decisions based on what we are advised. At the moment, schools have not been closed and as we are aligning ourselves with state schools, Wallara has not closed either.
If this changes, we will advise you as soon as possible. This will be done via emails, letters sent home, or via our website on this blog. So please, keep checking to see what is happening.
Your assistance and patience during this trying time is appreciated. The health and safety of our clients, their families, and our staff is paramount, and we will do everything in our power to ensure that disruptions will be as minimal as possible.
Letters were sent home today with information regarding what Wallara is doing in response to the COVID-19 issue.
If you are a Wallara Day Services client/family/carer, this letter applies to you:
If you are a Wallara Accommodation client/family/carer, this letter applies to you:
If you are a Wallara Supported Employee/family/carer, this letter applies to you: