To Wallara Families,
I am sure many of you are wondering what happens with our Day Services if the conditions are met and the Stage 4 lockdown ends on September 28.
The answer at this time unfortunately is that we are still working on it and waiting on advice from DHHS and other authorities. But we expect to have that clarity in the coming week.
The most likely outcome is that from Monday September 28 we will increase our 1:1 service offering at 5 of our sites (Sages Cottage, Langwarrin, Potter Learning Campus, Frankston-Dandenong Rd, and Dandenong St).
As some of you may know, we are only supporting about 13 clients at the moment with 1:1 support under a very narrow definition of ‘essential’ so that client number would be increased.
Assuming that goes well, we would then expect that we could start 1:4 and other smaller groups again from October 26. But it will of course all depend on the pandemic and the authorities.
As we have done previously, as we expand our intake we will be calling you and offering 2 or 3 days of support so we can help as many people as possible. And we will start with the clients that are most able to comply with distancing and all the COVID-19 protocols.
I hope that’s of some help, and we will be in touch again in the next few days once we know more.
In the meantime, Wallara Online classes continue, the Wednesday Zoom call at noon will continue, and we keep training our staff on COVID-19 protocols and PPE use. Still no positive cases across the Service after 150+ tests, so we are staying as diligent as possible.
In case you missed it, Channel 7 had a nice little story on our Logistics team last week and you can see it here:
I also want to let you know that we have some online activities and events planned on October 5 that we hope you can join. More details on that will be coming out very soon.
Best wishes,