Today Wallara’s new Logistics facility at 160 Bridge Road, Keysborough was officially opened by The Premier of Victoria. A crowd of over 200 joined in the celebration which coincided with Wallara’s 60th anniversary. The agenda was full, with tours of the 8000m2 state of the art facility, a supported accommodation forum, the launch of our new website, and the official unveiling of a plaque to mark the occasion.
The event was made even better by the Premier’s generous grant of $35K for automatic doors to facilitate access to the incredible central greenspace in the atrium. There were also some farewells as we bid Garry Baker a happy retirement after 10 years leading Wallara Logistics and said ”see you soon” to Director John Shields after 9 years on the Board. John will continue on as a volunteer to help with future infrastructure projects. Several current and potential corporate customers attended.
It was a fantastic day to reflect on Wallara’s journey over the past 60 years and re-imagine our future as we welcome in a new era of logistics excellence.